Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday: Ministry of Health

We woke up early on Valentine´s day to a pictureque view of Volcan Concepcion. My stomach was still feeling unsettled -and for those of you who know me best- I was craving an ice cold ginger ale. We got dressed and headed up to the lobby for breakfast. Jonathan approached us and asked what we wanted to drink, I asked for a ginger ale and he looked so puzzeled I explained I wasn´t feeling so great. He seemed genuinely concerned and said he´d see what they had. Andrew and Mary were already having breakfast and we talked to them for a few minutes. Jonathan came back and said there was no ginger ale but perhaps a ´coca cola´? I said that was fine and when he brought it over he started asking more questions...what symptoms was I having, when did they start, etc. I felt weird discussing my violent overnight vomiting episode in such a public forum but eventually relayed that while I was sick overnight I was now feeling better...we ordered breakfast. I decided on simple scrambled eggs, Brian got his sunny side up, with toast...

Jonathan came back and asked if I ´would like some ginger tea or perhaps to chew on a fresh clove of garlic´? I relented and said absolutely not to the garlic but would take him up on the offer for tea. He said they would not be charging us for the previous night´s dinner or our stay. We argued that that wasn´t necessary but he insisted...

Breakfast came and shortly thereafter Roslyn came running down to the lobby looking breathless and faught with worry. She came straight for me...¨áre you ok, what kind of symptoms did you have, when did they begin, what did you have to eat yesterday, did you brush your teeth with the faucet water´ ...I admitted that yes I had used the faucet water but I didn´t think that was it, the lentils sat heavy in my stomach and I wasn´t used to them and I just thought it was random, but they looked at each other and said that I was the fourth person this week that had fallen ill and now she had a mind to contact the Ministry of Health to check the water supply...before we even finished breakfast she discovered that another hotel had 25 sick guests...they used the same water supply.

It was getting disturbing but I really was feeling so much better so I wasn´t all that concerned...they held an emergency staff meeting at the bar and discussed whether they should close the kitchen and/or cancel reservations or both...Francisco stopped by to take us on the coffee plantation tour so we left them to make their decisions...I just hoped they wouldn´t base them on only me.

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