Friday, March 20, 2015

And she's off!

Dear Abby,
You are 9.5 months old and walking! You've been getting more and more daring this week with distances. At first you would only take steps toward a person but now you are starting to take a few steps between objects too (like the couch and your piano exersaucer). The other day we played a game where I would entice you to walk towards me and then once you started I would start backing up so you had to walk farther and just giggled and giggled over it :) Then I watched you just absolutely beam at yourself in the mirror at the realization that you were standing there without holding onto anything! When I tried to recreate that for daddy you weren't quite as excited. You still seem to get nervous whenever I let go of you and look at me a bunch of times for reassurance with your arms outstretched for balance...and then you smile when you decide that you can do it :)

I am simply amazed at how brilliant you are (I'm sure every parent thinks their baby is the smartest but with you it is actually true! haha).  I think this week especially I am noticing just how much you know so many words! You know about the train and you wave bye bye to it all day long (yes, All. Day. Long). You will stop what you are doing (no matter what it is you are doing) and will wave to the train.

The other night you were really not wanting to go to bed (nothing new there) were standing up while nursing and climbing all over me. Clapping your hands, stomping your feet, etc. Finally I said, "do you want to go back downstairs?" and your eyes just lit up at the possibility and you started going 'eh, eh' as in, 'yeah ma, let's go!'...

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