Dear Abby,
I love writing about you but you keep me far too busy. I can barely find time to shower these days. You just put up a huge fight but you are now calmly snuggled up beside me and soundly sleeping. Have I ever told you how much you hate to have covers over your feet? Well you do.
You are 13 months old already. This is our 2nd May together...when I think of it like that it feels even stranger. Daddy and I can hardly remember what life was like without you. You are getting so big. You won't really sleep in your crib (and I have all but just about given up trying)...but you are getting too big and mobile to safely sleep in our bed. I have been teaching you how to get down safely (on your belly, feet first) and you are starting to understand and you get so excited when you get down almost all by yourself.
Our days mostly start out with you demanding a dog hunt. You sign for dogs first thing when you wake up and have begun to go directly to our pile of shoes by the front door. You will grab yours and whoever else happens to have woken up with you...oh who am I kidding? It is usually daddy who gets out of bed first :)
You love hearing buses go by and will sign for "wipers" when you hear one pass. We went to your Aunt Jackie's graduation a few weeks ago and you got to ride on a school bus for the very first time! You were thrilled. Daddy and I sang the wheels on the bus and bounced you up and down dramatically at every bump. Now in addition to the wipers sign you bounce up and down excitedly whenever you hear or see a bus...we have even added doggies panting to the bus song since you now know how to pant (thanks to a visit from Rosco).
You are starting to say more words...mama, dada, baby (and even pointed one out at Hobbs a few weeks ago), Oma, 'ma (for Grandma), you make a poppop sound, you try to say ball (ba) and home ("hmm" which is especially cute because you don't even open your mouth for that one!) You sign for a lot of things...more, all done (my favorite is when you sign all done when we have only been in the car 5 mins of a 30 min ride!), you sign for birds and obviously dogs. Wipers sign means bus. You love to point and say "eh" when you want to get my attention. Speaking of that- you recently have taken to grabbing our chins and forcefully turning our heads in the direction of what you want us to see...usually a doggie, bus or bird. I swear you said "Joey" the other day when I told you your uncle was coming to visit but then of course you wouldn't say it again! You scream on command- usually for Grandma.
You like to balance things on your feet. It's quite strange I must admit. Not really sure where or why or when this happened but I first noticed you would do it with your cup we use to rinse your hair in the bath tub and you have now expanded and balance not only the cup but bracelets and other toys. You get a huge smile on your face and hold your hands out to the side while actively balancing and I started saying "ta da!"
You also do some yoga moves...mostly just downward dog. We had a playdate over Danny's house and you wanted to get in his crib (?!). He had a really cool mobile that played lots of different songs and you proceeded to stay in there and sway for 20 mins. Of course I had to buy it for you. So now one of your new favorite past times is to dance in your crib! You will play your music and then spin, twirl and fling yourself around your crib giggling and falling and shaking your head around...
I got you some sunglasses and when we tried them on you for the first time you immediately started shaking your head from side to side and smiling as if to show off your new look. You will now do this with almost anything new you try on...including your last bite of French toast the other day. You placed a piece on top of your head and started smiling and showing off your new look and I started laughing so hard that I had to hide my face while daddy informed you that it wasn't appropriate to put food on your head.
You nod at everything now. One of my favorite things to do with you is to tell daddy about our day when he gets home. I'll say "did you tell daddy that we went to the park today?" And you will beam and nod in agreement. I'll go on to say "and did you tell him how you went on the swing with Danny?" More nods. "And how you put all the wood chips all over the slide?" Nods and nods all around. The best part is I know you understand these "conversations" and that amazes me.
I sometimes feel a little crazy when talking to you. Like that time in Target when you threw your first temper tantrum. I explained that if you didn't hold my hand then we would have to leave and you kept swatting my hand away. Strangers looked at me like I was insane but I know you understood my words. Maybe not the consequences (we will have to leave) but you were definitely choosing not to hold my hand. You were so tired that day. We left and you were asleep within 5 minutes once we were home.
Your eating habits are starting to become pretty picky. You love bread especially at our new hang out- Miss Marty's. It is a Jewish diner and the old ladies love you there. We are becoming regulars. You always order the same thing- wheat toast with butter. Cut into squares so you can have one square for each hand. You start munching and turn sideways in your high chair to watch all the action- the waitresses carrying trays of food and drinks always stopping to give you a smile or a wave. The bus boys clearing away the dishes. The older clientele using their walkers to make their way to the bathroom. Before I became your mom I would rarely (if ever!) go to a place like that and eat lunch by myself...and if I did I would rush through my lunch feeling self conscious about being there alone. Now, ironically, I am rushing through eating but spending more time connecting with those around us. In this technological world where everyone spends all day staring at their phones, it is a breath of fresh air to have you there to remind me to stop and smell the roses...
Which by the way you love to do. I have your squeal of joy forever in my memory from the day you spotted the flower display at the co-op. You ran over to the flowers and just smiled, closed your eyes and started smelling them. Moments like that make my heart feel so full it might burst.
You are an amazing, bright, happy and energetic little girl. You pick up on things so quickly. You just signed "cereal" to me the other day when I asked what you wanted to eat...I had never even done that sign with you! The only time you had ever seen it would have been while watching a baby signing video when you were 10 months old.
I love snuggling up to you and cuddling with you while you sleep. The way you curl your legs up on my belly. The way you reach your arms up to grab onto mine. Your even, calm, sleepy breathing pattern. The way your head gets nestled into my chest. You are always wiggling around anymore and wanting to jump out of my arms and explore when you are awake...but when you are sleeping beside me (like you are right now) I feel like there is no where in the world either of us would rather be. I know it won't always be like this so I am trying to treasure and savor these moments with you. You are growing up so fast and I can hardly believe my little baby is already 1, already running and navigating stairs and language and playground equipment. Please just stop it already! Just stay right here with this moment forever.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Spring Forward
Dear Abby,
Tomorrow you will be 11 months old (?!?!?!!!) and today is the first day of Spring (nevermind that it snowed all day!). I have been wanting to write you another letter for a while now. I keep starting it over and over in my head but it never seems to make it on to this blog. There's just too many dishes to do, too many loads of laundry and too many middle-of-the-night nursing sessions to stay on top of it all (but with daddy's help we are making some progress on this last issue aren't we?).
Your getting thicker. And "is it red? Where does that red come from?" If I had a penny for every time someone asked me this we'd be off to a great start for your college fund. We brush your hair every night after your bath and sometimes I have even been able to spike it into a wimpy mohawk! It is still pretty sparse but I am in no rush for your (sure-to-be-unruly) mane to come in. I can barely do my own hair so the thought of doing someone else's isn't all that appealing rush!
Your eyes...are so blue. Out of the entire world only 17% of people have blue eyes are you are one of cool is that? You can thank your mother's Irish heritage for that one for sure. Your shining, smiling, crystal blue eyes get you compliments all day long. No matter where we go at least one stranger has to stop and comment on what beautiful eyes you have. They are not only beautiful but extremely sharp. You can spot birds and planes so high in the will point and go "eh, eh" as if to ask us what it is and won't be satisfied until we give a proper answer...
Your smile....simply lights up the room. It is usually accompanied by a "heh" sound on your part that Grandma refers to as your sarcastic "Sheldon laugh". So far you only really have 2 lower teeth (that you "brush" every night after your bath)...but Oma just noticed that your 2 top teeth are threatening to break out any day now. I am thankful that you use your teeth mostly to chew up food and not for biting; and am hopeful that this trend will continue. I can barely remember a day when you didn't have your 2 little teeth and I can barely fathom a day when you will have a full mouth of teeth. Right now I only want you to ever have these 2 because I just can't imagine your smile any other way! Last night I realized you have your dad's smile...
Your contagious. Daddy and I started squawking like chickens the other day (don't ask why...sleep deprivation does crazy things) but you thought it hilarious which just further encouraged us to keep going! Daddy even threw in some pretty impressive arm motions and "pecked" at your arms and your belly sending you into hysterics. I have to say that I have only recently discovered your father's talent for imitating animal sounds and it has certainly come in handy at entertaining you :) His owl sound is pretty spot on. Speaking of farted in the tub yesterday (I'm sorry future embarrassed teenage Abigail but this is too good not to share) and you were so surprised by the bubbles you made and the noise that you just kept trying to do it again and again (farting that is) and laughing hysterically all the while. I think you are going to be a jokester, just like your dad.
Your hands...are oh so busy. Whether they are climbing up an imaginary water spout playing itsy bitsy spider, swishing back and forth as the wipers on the bus, or thumping your chest excitedly signing for doggy...they are always moving and exploring the world (and all its germs) around you. No one would ever know what a germaphobe I am...that is until you start "washing your hands" mocking me many times a day. You are learning sign language and have started signing confidently for "more," "milk" and "all done". You are certainly not being shy when you want more of something...especially "swinging" at the park! Oma told me that every time she tried to get you out of the swing you would sign more until she gave you another big push! One recent morning after I sent out invitations for your first birthday party I told you while changing your diaper that you were going to be "1" next month...I showed you how to hold up your finger to say you are one and ever since then you are sharing this exciting news with everyone! It is adorable and I cannot believe how fast you picked it up.
Your feet...are these cute little chubs that I can barely squeeze into your miniature sneakers...which you actually need because you are walking (practically running) everywhere. You even "walk" up steps (with help) and alternate legs. It is so cute watching you throw your one leg up to the next step (which is practically as high as your knee). You will still hold at least one of my hands, especially when we are walking outside or in daddy's favorite store (Costco) but I am sure the day is growing near when you will simply take off on your own full speed ahead. Maybe a baby leash would be a good present for you on your first birthday?
Your so round that we have to press it in some so you can see around to your belly button - a newfound body part that you seem to be enthralled with. As soon as we mention belly button not only do you want to see yours but everyone elses' too...this makes for potentially awkward situations.
Your cheeks...are so rosy. Maybe you are getting some sunburn from all this recent outdoor activity? I am so happy that the weather is warming up a little and we've been able to get out of the house. Now when I say we are going "out" instead of screaming the entire time while I try to dress you and get you ready you are actually excited at the wondrous possibility of what we might be doing that day...the park? the aquarium? the grocery store??? You will even start heading for the door to get your coat and your shoes! You will make a pretty good attempt at getting your own shoes and socks on but so far you are only successful in taking those things off without help :)
Your ears...are so sensitive to every single tiny creaking sound in our house (and our house is old and noisy). You hear everything. When a sound is particularly annoying (the vacuum, coffee grinder, unloading the dishwasher, the Caulfield's incessant banter...) you will cover your ears in protest (we can thank your Grandma for showing you this). You understand lots too. I am tempted to list all of the words you understand but this could make for an excessively long blog entry...maybe I'll just list a few: downstairs, doggy (insert bilateral chest thumping here), music, dance, giraffe/pony (which will prompt almost immediate head bobbing), breakfast/lunch/dinner (immediate lip smacking), cheerios (flailing of all extremities- what do they put in those things??), outside (gee- where are my shoes and my coat?), fish (swimming hand gestures), Abby's flying fairy school (pure elation), etc etc etc. You are starting to mimic even if it is nonsensical. Last week Grandma came over and you spotted a bright red cardinal on the tree just outside your playroom. That prompted us to all go outside and look for birds. Grandma chanted "birds! where are you?" to which you almost seemed to yell in a similar tone of voice. We then went knocking on the 2 birdhouses out back...which you now want to do every day.
So but basically what I wanted to tell you is that you are becoming a lovely little lady :) There was one day (geez is it already about 2 months ago now?) that I came home from work in the morning and Pop Pop was watching were so excited to see me and I scooped you up and you just suddenly felt so big to me! It was as if overnight you have morphed into a child instead of a cuddly little baby...just the way you helped me lift you up by supporting your body weight and then just wrapped yourself around me like a little monkey. You probably won't understand what I mean by this until you have a child of your own someday (in the extremely far off distant future) but it was one of those milestone feelings that will most likely stick with me forever...
Love you sweet girl,
Tomorrow you will be 11 months old (?!?!?!!!) and today is the first day of Spring (nevermind that it snowed all day!). I have been wanting to write you another letter for a while now. I keep starting it over and over in my head but it never seems to make it on to this blog. There's just too many dishes to do, too many loads of laundry and too many middle-of-the-night nursing sessions to stay on top of it all (but with daddy's help we are making some progress on this last issue aren't we?).
Your getting thicker. And "is it red? Where does that red come from?" If I had a penny for every time someone asked me this we'd be off to a great start for your college fund. We brush your hair every night after your bath and sometimes I have even been able to spike it into a wimpy mohawk! It is still pretty sparse but I am in no rush for your (sure-to-be-unruly) mane to come in. I can barely do my own hair so the thought of doing someone else's isn't all that appealing rush!
Your eyes...are so blue. Out of the entire world only 17% of people have blue eyes are you are one of cool is that? You can thank your mother's Irish heritage for that one for sure. Your shining, smiling, crystal blue eyes get you compliments all day long. No matter where we go at least one stranger has to stop and comment on what beautiful eyes you have. They are not only beautiful but extremely sharp. You can spot birds and planes so high in the will point and go "eh, eh" as if to ask us what it is and won't be satisfied until we give a proper answer...
Your smile....simply lights up the room. It is usually accompanied by a "heh" sound on your part that Grandma refers to as your sarcastic "Sheldon laugh". So far you only really have 2 lower teeth (that you "brush" every night after your bath)...but Oma just noticed that your 2 top teeth are threatening to break out any day now. I am thankful that you use your teeth mostly to chew up food and not for biting; and am hopeful that this trend will continue. I can barely remember a day when you didn't have your 2 little teeth and I can barely fathom a day when you will have a full mouth of teeth. Right now I only want you to ever have these 2 because I just can't imagine your smile any other way! Last night I realized you have your dad's smile...
Your contagious. Daddy and I started squawking like chickens the other day (don't ask why...sleep deprivation does crazy things) but you thought it hilarious which just further encouraged us to keep going! Daddy even threw in some pretty impressive arm motions and "pecked" at your arms and your belly sending you into hysterics. I have to say that I have only recently discovered your father's talent for imitating animal sounds and it has certainly come in handy at entertaining you :) His owl sound is pretty spot on. Speaking of farted in the tub yesterday (I'm sorry future embarrassed teenage Abigail but this is too good not to share) and you were so surprised by the bubbles you made and the noise that you just kept trying to do it again and again (farting that is) and laughing hysterically all the while. I think you are going to be a jokester, just like your dad.
Your hands...are oh so busy. Whether they are climbing up an imaginary water spout playing itsy bitsy spider, swishing back and forth as the wipers on the bus, or thumping your chest excitedly signing for doggy...they are always moving and exploring the world (and all its germs) around you. No one would ever know what a germaphobe I am...that is until you start "washing your hands" mocking me many times a day. You are learning sign language and have started signing confidently for "more," "milk" and "all done". You are certainly not being shy when you want more of something...especially "swinging" at the park! Oma told me that every time she tried to get you out of the swing you would sign more until she gave you another big push! One recent morning after I sent out invitations for your first birthday party I told you while changing your diaper that you were going to be "1" next month...I showed you how to hold up your finger to say you are one and ever since then you are sharing this exciting news with everyone! It is adorable and I cannot believe how fast you picked it up.
Your feet...are these cute little chubs that I can barely squeeze into your miniature sneakers...which you actually need because you are walking (practically running) everywhere. You even "walk" up steps (with help) and alternate legs. It is so cute watching you throw your one leg up to the next step (which is practically as high as your knee). You will still hold at least one of my hands, especially when we are walking outside or in daddy's favorite store (Costco) but I am sure the day is growing near when you will simply take off on your own full speed ahead. Maybe a baby leash would be a good present for you on your first birthday?
Your so round that we have to press it in some so you can see around to your belly button - a newfound body part that you seem to be enthralled with. As soon as we mention belly button not only do you want to see yours but everyone elses' too...this makes for potentially awkward situations.
Your cheeks...are so rosy. Maybe you are getting some sunburn from all this recent outdoor activity? I am so happy that the weather is warming up a little and we've been able to get out of the house. Now when I say we are going "out" instead of screaming the entire time while I try to dress you and get you ready you are actually excited at the wondrous possibility of what we might be doing that day...the park? the aquarium? the grocery store??? You will even start heading for the door to get your coat and your shoes! You will make a pretty good attempt at getting your own shoes and socks on but so far you are only successful in taking those things off without help :)
Your ears...are so sensitive to every single tiny creaking sound in our house (and our house is old and noisy). You hear everything. When a sound is particularly annoying (the vacuum, coffee grinder, unloading the dishwasher, the Caulfield's incessant banter...) you will cover your ears in protest (we can thank your Grandma for showing you this). You understand lots too. I am tempted to list all of the words you understand but this could make for an excessively long blog entry...maybe I'll just list a few: downstairs, doggy (insert bilateral chest thumping here), music, dance, giraffe/pony (which will prompt almost immediate head bobbing), breakfast/lunch/dinner (immediate lip smacking), cheerios (flailing of all extremities- what do they put in those things??), outside (gee- where are my shoes and my coat?), fish (swimming hand gestures), Abby's flying fairy school (pure elation), etc etc etc. You are starting to mimic even if it is nonsensical. Last week Grandma came over and you spotted a bright red cardinal on the tree just outside your playroom. That prompted us to all go outside and look for birds. Grandma chanted "birds! where are you?" to which you almost seemed to yell in a similar tone of voice. We then went knocking on the 2 birdhouses out back...which you now want to do every day.
So but basically what I wanted to tell you is that you are becoming a lovely little lady :) There was one day (geez is it already about 2 months ago now?) that I came home from work in the morning and Pop Pop was watching were so excited to see me and I scooped you up and you just suddenly felt so big to me! It was as if overnight you have morphed into a child instead of a cuddly little baby...just the way you helped me lift you up by supporting your body weight and then just wrapped yourself around me like a little monkey. You probably won't understand what I mean by this until you have a child of your own someday (in the extremely far off distant future) but it was one of those milestone feelings that will most likely stick with me forever...
Love you sweet girl,
And she's off!
Dear Abby,
You are 9.5 months old and walking! You've been getting more and more daring this week with distances. At first you would only take steps toward a person but now you are starting to take a few steps between objects too (like the couch and your piano exersaucer). The other day we played a game where I would entice you to walk towards me and then once you started I would start backing up so you had to walk farther and just giggled and giggled over it :) Then I watched you just absolutely beam at yourself in the mirror at the realization that you were standing there without holding onto anything! When I tried to recreate that for daddy you weren't quite as excited. You still seem to get nervous whenever I let go of you and look at me a bunch of times for reassurance with your arms outstretched for balance...and then you smile when you decide that you can do it :)
I am simply amazed at how brilliant you are (I'm sure every parent thinks their baby is the smartest but with you it is actually true! haha). I think this week especially I am noticing just how much you know so many words! You know about the train and you wave bye bye to it all day long (yes, All. Day. Long). You will stop what you are doing (no matter what it is you are doing) and will wave to the train.
The other night you were really not wanting to go to bed (nothing new there) were standing up while nursing and climbing all over me. Clapping your hands, stomping your feet, etc. Finally I said, "do you want to go back downstairs?" and your eyes just lit up at the possibility and you started going 'eh, eh' as in, 'yeah ma, let's go!'...
You are 9.5 months old and walking! You've been getting more and more daring this week with distances. At first you would only take steps toward a person but now you are starting to take a few steps between objects too (like the couch and your piano exersaucer). The other day we played a game where I would entice you to walk towards me and then once you started I would start backing up so you had to walk farther and just giggled and giggled over it :) Then I watched you just absolutely beam at yourself in the mirror at the realization that you were standing there without holding onto anything! When I tried to recreate that for daddy you weren't quite as excited. You still seem to get nervous whenever I let go of you and look at me a bunch of times for reassurance with your arms outstretched for balance...and then you smile when you decide that you can do it :)
I am simply amazed at how brilliant you are (I'm sure every parent thinks their baby is the smartest but with you it is actually true! haha). I think this week especially I am noticing just how much you know so many words! You know about the train and you wave bye bye to it all day long (yes, All. Day. Long). You will stop what you are doing (no matter what it is you are doing) and will wave to the train.
The other night you were really not wanting to go to bed (nothing new there) were standing up while nursing and climbing all over me. Clapping your hands, stomping your feet, etc. Finally I said, "do you want to go back downstairs?" and your eyes just lit up at the possibility and you started going 'eh, eh' as in, 'yeah ma, let's go!'...
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Tiny Dancer
Dear Abby,
You are growing by leaps and bounds. You've been taking your first steps and collapsing into me with a look of such sheer joy on your face that I can't even put it into words. You are absolutely thrilled with yourself- and you should be! You are barely 9 months and practically walking. You go girl! You are so excited about learning to stand in fact, that you want to do it all the time. Including when you are (or should be) sleeping. You will be half asleep in bed nursing when the mood strikes and you will simply prop yourself up to a standing position and then smile at me from ear to ear. And then if I'm lucky you may even start dancing. But who could be annoyed at being woken up after seeing that beautiful grin? I must say the sleep deprivation you are causing me is taking its has become my best friend. And yours. Daddy has gotten in the habit of letting you "share" his cup and now I have no choice but to let you "sip" mine as well. We just got a new TV in your playroom and have been letting you listen to Pandora. Now whenever we say "music" you look toward the TV and instinctively start "dancing". You are seriously too cute for words.
Speaking of that let me tell you just how smart you are :) You know how to bounce, jump and dance. Never mind that all three of those actions when carried out by you look exactly the same. You can clap your hands (that's old news) and shake things on command. You know how to give a high 5 but you like to take our hands in yours after that and start clapping them for us. I am trying to teach you to stomp your feet...we'll get there. You will (sort of) throw a ball back and forth although when you do it it seems more like you just want to appease me and move on to something better than actually playing with the ball. I don't blame you...I was never much into sports. More of a dancer myself as well! You still love a good game of peek a boo. That one never gets old- especially if you are anywhere in the vicinity of a curtain. You will kick a ball around the room. You know how to turn on and off light switches. You know what the train is and every time you hear it you look for it and then wave. You know how to wave hello and good bye although you prefer to do it after the person looks away- I think just to make me look like an idiot!
You know all your grandparents by name and when I say that one of them is coming over your eyes light up and you look towards the door. After all, you'd give almost anything to get a break from me sometimes! You know how to splash and you love sucking on washcloths. I thought it was just wet ones but yesterday you couldn't wait to get a dry wash cloth out of my freshly folded pile and into your mouth. Pretty much everything goes into your mouth -unless of course it is actual food I want you to eat in which case you will seriously scrutinize it and then probably pass it up. I made you a batch of super healthy muffins that tasted terrible but then dad reminded me that you love to eat cardboard so I let you try one...I think you touched it but it didn't make it anywhere close to your mouth. Of course!
You are becoming super clingy. If it's just us you do not want me out of your sight. In fact you will start crying if I am simply 2 steps away from you. This is becoming a real challenge. I keep trying to remind myself that come your teenage years you will be begging me to leave you alone so I should probably savor these clingy moments. That however still doesn't help me when nature calls or when I need to shower. Lately I have had to wait until you are in bed for the night to take a shower and if I'm being totally honest this week only twice has a shower trumped sleep. These are the choices I am resorting to making these days.
You are really becoming a stinker when it comes to bedtime. Dad and I have had a rough week trying to put you to bed. We think they should make a baby version of our Westin Heavenly mattress because that is your preferred sleeping surface. Of course right now you are in your crib but only because dad and I spent at least 3 hours cumulative time coercing you to go in. And even then I had to wait until you were fast asleep before getting you in there. And now I am writing this waiting for you to wake up instead of getting some much needed sleep. I can't relax because you hardly ever sleep but then when you do sleep I can't relax either because surely the second I close my eyes you will surely wake up! In fact I think I hear you right now...
You are growing by leaps and bounds. You've been taking your first steps and collapsing into me with a look of such sheer joy on your face that I can't even put it into words. You are absolutely thrilled with yourself- and you should be! You are barely 9 months and practically walking. You go girl! You are so excited about learning to stand in fact, that you want to do it all the time. Including when you are (or should be) sleeping. You will be half asleep in bed nursing when the mood strikes and you will simply prop yourself up to a standing position and then smile at me from ear to ear. And then if I'm lucky you may even start dancing. But who could be annoyed at being woken up after seeing that beautiful grin? I must say the sleep deprivation you are causing me is taking its has become my best friend. And yours. Daddy has gotten in the habit of letting you "share" his cup and now I have no choice but to let you "sip" mine as well. We just got a new TV in your playroom and have been letting you listen to Pandora. Now whenever we say "music" you look toward the TV and instinctively start "dancing". You are seriously too cute for words.
Speaking of that let me tell you just how smart you are :) You know how to bounce, jump and dance. Never mind that all three of those actions when carried out by you look exactly the same. You can clap your hands (that's old news) and shake things on command. You know how to give a high 5 but you like to take our hands in yours after that and start clapping them for us. I am trying to teach you to stomp your feet...we'll get there. You will (sort of) throw a ball back and forth although when you do it it seems more like you just want to appease me and move on to something better than actually playing with the ball. I don't blame you...I was never much into sports. More of a dancer myself as well! You still love a good game of peek a boo. That one never gets old- especially if you are anywhere in the vicinity of a curtain. You will kick a ball around the room. You know how to turn on and off light switches. You know what the train is and every time you hear it you look for it and then wave. You know how to wave hello and good bye although you prefer to do it after the person looks away- I think just to make me look like an idiot!
You know all your grandparents by name and when I say that one of them is coming over your eyes light up and you look towards the door. After all, you'd give almost anything to get a break from me sometimes! You know how to splash and you love sucking on washcloths. I thought it was just wet ones but yesterday you couldn't wait to get a dry wash cloth out of my freshly folded pile and into your mouth. Pretty much everything goes into your mouth -unless of course it is actual food I want you to eat in which case you will seriously scrutinize it and then probably pass it up. I made you a batch of super healthy muffins that tasted terrible but then dad reminded me that you love to eat cardboard so I let you try one...I think you touched it but it didn't make it anywhere close to your mouth. Of course!
You are becoming super clingy. If it's just us you do not want me out of your sight. In fact you will start crying if I am simply 2 steps away from you. This is becoming a real challenge. I keep trying to remind myself that come your teenage years you will be begging me to leave you alone so I should probably savor these clingy moments. That however still doesn't help me when nature calls or when I need to shower. Lately I have had to wait until you are in bed for the night to take a shower and if I'm being totally honest this week only twice has a shower trumped sleep. These are the choices I am resorting to making these days.
You are really becoming a stinker when it comes to bedtime. Dad and I have had a rough week trying to put you to bed. We think they should make a baby version of our Westin Heavenly mattress because that is your preferred sleeping surface. Of course right now you are in your crib but only because dad and I spent at least 3 hours cumulative time coercing you to go in. And even then I had to wait until you were fast asleep before getting you in there. And now I am writing this waiting for you to wake up instead of getting some much needed sleep. I can't relax because you hardly ever sleep but then when you do sleep I can't relax either because surely the second I close my eyes you will surely wake up! In fact I think I hear you right now...
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